Monday, June 4, 2007

Democrats in Wrigleyville

Oh, the lovable losers.

Yes, politics and sports are continually connected like there is an umbilical chord between the two. You will always see politicians at sporting events, vying for camera time and pretending to root for the home team. Some politicians were athletes once upon a time, and most athletes don’t do anything with politics, so there’s a connection there too. But regardless, in America, two things undeniably reign supreme: Politics and Athletics go together like peas and carrots.
Where's John McCain? (hint: 2nd seat from the left.)

Who's the Boss?

Which brings me to my point. The Cubs suck. They always have and they always will. They haven’t won since 1908 and they won’t win anytime soon. They have a dedicated fan base who can simultaneously boo and smile at the same time. The thought of rooting for another team is inconceivable, but there is no pressure to demand improved performance. As long as you can still enjoy a game at the friendly confines, drink a beer, take your shirt off, and drink another beer, who cares about the score?
A sign of life? Probably not.

And that is why they’re exactly like the Democrats. Yes, over the years, the Democrats have had a little more success than the Cubbies, but what difference does that make? Right now, each are equally pathetic. In the past 8 months, both groups have given their fans a reason to cheer, the ‘Crats took back the House and Senate, the Cubs spent over $300 million in the offseason. The results? What results? The Dems caved immediately on their promises to end the war, removing their withdrawal timetable from the most recent spending bill, haven’t produced any significant legislation, and are too busy complaining about Bush without working up the nerves to impeach him. The Cubs, meanwhile, signed a new manager that was successful back in the days of FDR, have been losing from the start of the season, can't pitch, can't hit, can't run the bases, and are too busy complaining to the Umps that they forgot about winning. The more things change, the more they stay the same

The other similarities are eerie too. The Northside is exceedingly liberal (and full of alcoholics). The two most recent superstars for each group (Sosa and Bill) both got in trouble for playing with Corked Bats. The democratic voters never really demand action from their leaders, and Cubs fans will always play hooky to catch the afternoon game in the friendly confines. And when it looked like both the Democrats and the Cubs would make it to the Big Show, Steve Bartman and the Swift Boats showed up rain on the parade. They just can’t win.
As both fanbases say:
Wait till next year.
Oh, the Audacity of Hope...

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