Have you ever been lonely and lost, adrift in a sea of hopelessness and despair? Do you gauge architecture by its potential for accelerating you to terminal velocity? Is every moment punctuated by ever-deeper meaninglessness like painful rimshots that echo in the depths of your suffering?

Maybe you should watch Bear Grylls and his ursine dental jewelry. You don’t know misery until you’ve squeezed the juice from elephant dung into your face. You haven’t plumbed the profundity of sorrow until you’ve pissed on your shirt and wrapped it around your face.

Let him be a lesson to us all.

Maybe you should watch Bear Grylls and his ursine dental jewelry. You don’t know misery until you’ve squeezed the juice from elephant dung into your face. You haven’t plumbed the profundity of sorrow until you’ve pissed on your shirt and wrapped it around your face.

Let him be a lesson to us all.
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Image hotlinking is bandwidth THEFT.
Why should I let *you* stick *me* with a bill for serving an image to *your* Web page?
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